=== Give - Fee Recovery === Contributors: givewp Donate link: https://givewp.com Tags: donations, donation, ecommerce, e-commerce, fundraising, fundraiser, fees Requires at least: 6.0 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 2.2.2 Requires Give: 3.0.0 Requires PHP: 7.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 Keep more of your donations by asking donor's to take care of the fees. == Description == This plugin requires the Give plugin activated to function properly. When activated, it adds a fee recovery functionality to your donation forms. == Installation == For instructions installing Give add-ons please see: https://givewp.com/documentation/core/how-to-install-and-activate-give-add-ons/ = Updating = Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case. == Changelog == = 2.2.2: April 24th, 2024 = * Fix: Resolved a conflict with the fee recovery block and php 7.4 = 2.2.1: April 16th, 2024 = * Fix: Resolved an issue with the fee recovery block and global settings when first installing the add-on to ensure there are always default setting values. = 2.2.0: January 17th, 2024 = * Happy new year! * Change: Updated the fee recovery setting fields to use our shared form builder library of fields = 2.1.2: November 22nd, 2023 = * Fix: The fee calculation formula has been changed to correctly calculate fees on Visual Builder forms and enfoce float numbers in per-gateway settings * Fix: Payment gateways that are only compatible with the Visual Builder have been removed from per-form per-gateway settings on forms not created with the Visual Builder = 2.1.1: September 14th, 2023 = * Fix: Add default values for all settings on the Fee Recovery block = 2.1.0: September 13th, 2023 = * Feature: Improved design for Fee Recovery block in the visual donation form builder * Fix: Updated Fee Recovery block settings data and persistence scope = 2.0: July 10th, 2023 = * Feature: Compatibility with v3 forms * Fix: Fee amounts covered using recurring-enabled payment gateways that use the gateway API are now recorded in the subscription table. = 1.10.2: March 30th, 2023 = * Fix: Gateway Fee Support option works as expected * Fix: Correct currency simple shows on the multi-step and classic receipts = 1.10.1: March 22nd, 2023 = * Fix: Fees are no longer applied to gateways with fees disabled = 1.10.0: February 23rd, 2023 = * New: Added fee column to the new donations list table = 1.9.8: June 23rd, 2022 = * Fix: GiveWP dashboard now correctly reflects the recovered fee for subscriptions = 1.9.7: March 3rd, 2022 = * Fix: Resolved PHP 8 compatibility issue when used with Currency Switcher = 1.9.6: January 18th, 2022 = * Fix: Fee Recovery icon wasn't show up when viewing a give form admin-side. Now it's back! = 1.9.5: November 26th, 2021 = * Fix: Resolve compatibility issue with Currency Switcher add-on = 1.9.4: November 11th, 2021 = * Fix: Improvement to how scripts are loaded which adds compatibility with GiveWP 2.16.2 = 1.9.3: October 20th, 2021 = * Fix: Maximum fee correctly respects global and form-specific settings * Fix: Fee Recovery option no longer displays to donor when it's disabled for gateway = 1.9.2: June 9th, 2021 = * Fix: Donor opt-in once again honors donor's choice to cover fee * Fix: Maximum fee is correctly added to net donation amount = 1.9.1: June 3rd, 2021 = * Fix: Donation fees adhere to the maximum fee amount when set = 1.9.0: March 4th, 2021 = * New: Added support for the new telemetry functionality in GiveWP 2.10.0 * Fix: Corrected an issue that caused notices to show up on the front-end = 1.8.0: August 11th, 2020 = * New: Added a new "Maximum Fee Amount" option so now you can limit the fee coverage calculated amount which helps encourage fee coverage for larger donations amounts. = 1.7.11: June 22nd, 2020 = * Fix: In the 1.7.9 there was a conflict with Recurring Donations that caused a PHP Fatal error to occur with certain configurations. This has been resolved so that no errors occur. = 1.7.10: June 17th, 2020 = * Fix: The percentage and amount fields in WP-Admin did not appear styled properly since WordPress updated their field styles. This fixes those styles so they appear nicely with the new WP Core field styles. = 1.7.9: June 16th, 2020 = * New: Added support for the upcoming release of GiveWP 2.7.0 and the new donation form template. * New: Added an option for donors to cover the processing fees when updating their recurring donation amount. = 1.7.8: March 10th, 2020 = * Fix: Resolved an issue with using a zero decimal currency configuration with Recurring Donations where renewals were not displaying properly formatted amounts. = 1.7.7: October 28th, 2019 = * Fix: Added additional checks and improvements to fee calculations when using a comma delimited currency such as Euros, BRL, etc. to further ensure proper expected fee payments. = 1.7.6: October 15th, 2019 = * Fix: Corrected an issue with fee formatting rounding incorrectly when using zero decimal configuration for the currency setting. * Fix: Resolved an issue with the goal progress not calculating correctly when using Fee Recovery with Recurring and the goal set to only count recurring donations. = 1.7.5: May 8th, 2019 = * Tweak: The integration with Manual Donations has been removed. This is because we feel the purpose of Fee Recovery is to cover transaction fees for donations made through an online Give form. The purpose of Manual Donations is to enter donations that did not originate through an online Give form. Many customers were getting confused with the purpose and integrating with our entire other suite of add-ons had become cumbersome and not up to the quality we strive for. = 1.7.4: January 22nd, 2019 = * Fix: Resolved an issue with sorting donations in WP-Admin based on the fee amount. * Fix: Ensure Fee amounts are properly calculated for zero decimal currencies. = 1.7.3: December 19th, 2018 = * Fix: Store the total donation in `data-total` attribute in non formatted way for more accurate totals when using various currency formats. * Fix: [give_totals] now properly displays the income of multiple forms without the fee recovery income so that it properly reflects how much is going to the cause. = 1.7.2: September 6th, 2018 = * Tweak: Improved how settings are saved so that admins don't accidentally save "0" as a percentage unintentionally. * Fix: The give_get_fee_earnings()" function was incorrectly returning "0" rather than correct earnings. * Fix: Resolved conflict with Recurring which caused renewal donations to be associated with an incorrect donation level if Fee Recovery is active. = 1.7.1: July 30th, 2018 = * Important: Added compatibility with Give 2.2.0+. Please update Give Core to 2.2.0+ prior to this update. * Fix: Resolve "give_global_vars is not defined" error in Chrome developer tools' console log. * Fix: Added auto width CSS to the fee recovery checkbox to improve compatibility with some theme styles for input checkboxes. * Fix: Unescaped characters warning was displaying in Chrome developer tools' console log. = 1.7.0: June 18th, 2018 = * New: Added a new tool to recalculate Fees for all forms. This is helpful if for some reason your database gets corrupted or the data incorrectly altered. * New: Added support for Fee Recovery to Give Core's new donation payment CSV exporter. * New: The donation amount breakdown now displays for renewal payments. * Fix: A JavaScript error would sometimes occur on the admin donation detail page when updating the donation's fee amount. * Fix: The add-on now sends the correct information to PayPal's IPN regarding a donation's fee. = 1.6.1: June 6th, 2018 = * New: Added support for Fee Recovery to Give Core's new exporter. * Tweak: The add-on is now using Give Core's format/unformat functionality rather than its own. * Tweak: The formatted amount value is now passed via a data attribute in JS. * Fix: The fee recovery option was displaying incorrectly when "Button" mode was enabled and the modal window was opened and closed. * Fix: A JS error would occur when updating the fee amount on the donation details page in wp-admin. * Fix: The add-on now passes the correct fee information to PayPal IPN. * Fix: The fee breakdown now displays correctly for renewal donations. = 1.6: May 2nd, 2018 = * New: Added compatibility with Give Core 2.1's new donations exporter. * Tweak: Performance improvements to ensure fee calculcations work from a meta key rather than calculating on the fly which can cause slowness. * Tweak: Added compatibility with Give Core version 2.1+. * Fix: Data attribute conflict with the Razorpay gateway. * Fix: Wrong calculation of fee amount if decimal separator is set to comma and thousand separator is set to a decimal point. = 1.5: February 27th, 2018 = * New: If the currency has no decimals, fee recovery will not alter the appearance on donation forms. This means your donation forms are more readable and should help increase conversion rates. * Fix: The fees would incorrectly calculate if the currency decimal separator was set to a comma and the thousands separator was set to a decimal. = 1.4: January 17th, 2018 = * New: 2.0 compatibility. Please update to the latest version of Give today! * Tweak: Removed repetious code within JavaScript to better optimize plugin. * Tweak: Removed qTip references for better Give 2.0+ compatiblity. = 1.3.8: January 12th, 2018 = * New: Added Fee Recovery support for Manual Donations add-on. You can now add fees to donations that you add manually! * Fix: Conflict with PDF receipts causing a "Fatal error: Call to undefined function __give_20_bc_str_type_email_tag_param()" error. = 1.3.7: January 3rd, 2018 = * Fix: Per gateways fees were no calculating properly due to jQuery conflict in the 1.3.6 release. This has been fixed. * Fix: Improved JS with jQuery no conflict mode. This should help prevent conflicts with other plugins. * Tweak: Fee recovery now enqueues admin scripts using give core function to check whether current page is a give one. = 1.3.6: December 28th, 2017 = * Fix: There was a JS conflict when with jQuery that multiple users reported which has now been fixed. = 1.3.5: December 19th, 2017 = * Fix: We discovered another bug with the way fees were being deducted from goal amounts and resolved it. All goal amounts should now properly reflect the amount raised minus any fees given by donors. = 1.3.4: December 18th, 2017 = * Fix: Fees were incorrectly being added to goals when the donation form had more than 20 donations accepted. Also the fee calculation function has been optimized for better performance. * Fix: Bug where if admin had never adjusted the fee amounts and updated it would default to 0.00. * Tweak: Changed how the fee amount is stored for the upcoming 2.0 release of Give core. = 1.3.3: November 30th, 2017 = * Fix: Conflict with the thousands separator that lead to miscalculated fee amount for donations more than $1,000. * Tweak: Added compatibility for the future swap from qTip to hint CSS tooltips. = 1.3.2: November 30th, 2017 = * Fix: Hotfix to resolve issue with calculating fees when custom amount is enabled. = 1.3.1: November 29th, 2017 = * New: Fees are now calculated using client-side JS rather than server-side via AJAX. What does this mean? Much faster fee calculations and a better donor experience. * Fix: When changing payment gateways in modal display mode the fee recovery checkbox field would incorrectly appear at the top of the modal. This is now fixed. = 1.3: November 3rd, 2017 = * New: Added an additional option to display a fee breakdown below the final amount field. * Tweak: Optimized the plugin's use of admin-ajax.php calls to lessen the server load for high traffic environments. * Tweak: Optimized the plugin's coding structure to be less repetitive and more effecient. * Fix: When fee recovery was active you couldn't properly edit a donation's total payment field. Now you can. * Fix: The [give_goal] shortcode showed a different amount than the goal appearing in the [give_form] shortcode. * Fix: Styling issue when using a set donation recurring form. There would be a float issue with some themes. * Fix: Optimized the plugin's settings so that the content doesn't flash on page load and the icon appears nicer for retina screens. = 1.2.4 = * Tweak: Reordered the fee recovery rows on the donation receipt so that it's more clear the donation breakdown if the donor opts in to give the fee. * Fix: There was a bug where donor's who chose not to Give the fee would incorrectly be opted-in to the fee coverage. This has been resolved. * Fix: Currencies formats with formats other than the Give's default would have the fee amount incorrectly calculated. * Fix: When providing a flat fee but not percentage or visa-versa the fee calculation would be slightly off. = 1.2.3 = * Fix: A bug introduced the previous version prevented proper fee calculation output for forced opt-in was enabled. = 1.2.2 = * Fix: JS and CSS are now only loaded on the necessary admin pages. * Fix: The fee recovery checkbox label was bumped to another line incorrectly with some themes. * Fix: JS warning "jQuery.parseJSON requires a valid JSON string". = 1.2.1 = * Fix: When no flat fee is entered and only a percentage or visa versa then the fee amount would be incorrectly calculated. This is now fixed and you can now properly add just a flat fee or percentage for the fee amount. = 1.2 = * New: Plugin architecture reorganized for better hook navigation. * Tweak: The tab icon has been updated to better reflect fee recovery within the donation form edit screen. * Fix: Editing a donation of a donor who rejected to give a fee would result in an incorrect error appearing preventing the update. = 1.1 = * New: Improved reports now display fee information much clearer within separate reports. * New: The fee recovery checkbox location is now easily movable with a new option to change where it appears within the donation form. * New: Email receipts are now transparent with the fees. Now the {amount} template tag will display a breakdown of the fees collected compared to the actual donation automatically to better inform your donors. * Fix: Math for the fee calculation was slightly off. Thanks @Benunc for jumping on it with your math wizardry. * Fix: The plugin will deactivate itself if Give core is deactivated. * Fix: Admins couldn't update the fee amount within wp-admin for individual payments. Now they can. * Fix: Fees were counting towards goals and reflected in income reports. Now we exclude the fee amount from goals and reports so you can see the original donation total. = 1.0 = * Initial plugin release. Yippee!