Learn how your church can accept donations online

Your members have gone cashless, but have your church’s giving options?

Your church needs more than a collection plate. Make it easy for your congregation to feel their impact, donate to you, and share their support through your website.

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Instantly Download Your "More Than an Offering Plate: Online Giving Options for Churches" eBook

Download our ebook on online giving for churches and start providing your congregants with the online giving options they need.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

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More Than an Offering Plate

Recurring Donations Icon

Automate Monthly Giving

Use Recurring Donations to accept tithes so that your congregants can “set it and forget it.”

Make Giving Tax-Friendly

Add the ability to download PDF receipts and annual contributions so your members can prepare their taxes easily.

payment gateways icon

Provide Multiple Payment Options

Accept all major credit cards as well as Apple and Google Pay, even direct bank payments (ACH).

Offset the Credit Card Fees

Ask your members to give a little extra to cover your credit card processing fees.

Religious Organizations Icon

Fund Missions and Ministries

Create unique forms for every ministry in your church with custom form fields, labels, and display options.

Personal Fundraising Icon

Manage In-person Donations

Keep track of cash and check contributions along with your online donations.