Nonprofit Email Template Designs That Inspire Giving

Five downloadable nonprofit email templates to help you raise more money.

We all know that getting emails into inboxes these days is a science.

If you’re running a nonprofit or starting a fundraiser and you’re worried about creating email templates that actually work, you’re not alone.

Don’t worry, email marketing still has a very valid place in the marketing world.

But how do you actually inspire donors to give when you’re not even sure you can get past the inbox? Never fear, the GiveWP team is here.

We’re going to cover some email template designs that will not only get the funds rolling in, they will wow your donors.

Email Design Hacks for Fundraisers

When it comes to email, there is a science behind design. And if you are lucky enough to get inside the inbox, you need to impress them big time to get any engagement at all.

Here are some tried and true email design hacks that will help your non-profit email get the clicks it deserves:

Personalize your sender name

Have you ever gotten an email from a business name or worse, a topic of some kind, and thought – nope, that’s spam. That’s exactly what your audience will think if you send them an email from

Personalize your sender information so they know it’s from you – even if your nonprofit is part of the email host. An email is 10 times more likely to be opened if it’s from a trusted source.

Be creative with your subject line

This can be fun! Subjects are the very first thing your recipient will see in their email inbox, so they are a big deal. A subject line can make or break an email open if you’re not specific or engaging enough. (No pressure).

A subject line should be succinct, humble, quippy and engaging. You can use questions, real-life speak, emojis or even teasers to get those emails opened. Try using humor if the non-profit fits that genre. Most of all, be yourself – people love authenticity.

Add a proactive preheader text

Most inboxes (and especially on mobile) will allow a small preheader text to appear next to the email, which is a peek inside about it’s context. It may not be available to every email you send, but some marketing automation tools allow you to personalize your preheader text.

Your preheader text should contain a teaser about what your fundraiser is all about and how it benefits them, if possible. Being creative with the amount of characters allowed, you can use the same format as your subject line and extend it a bit for more detailed information. Like the preview of a movie, it should leave them wanting to know more.

Get right to the point

Once you’re beyond subject lines and preheader text, you’ve got the open! What will you do with the context now? It’s all up to how you position your wording here – are you going to hook them?

Ask yourself, what makes you actually read an email? Is it them talking about themselves and how good they are? Nope. Is it them talking about how they want your help? Not really. It’s more about the impact that your non-profit makes, the story behind it all and the way the recipient can make a change in the world. And all of this should be done with short, sweet and right to the point email copy.

Use images and videos strategically

We are gradually growing more visual these days when it comes to engagement in any form. Images and video have become a natural part of the email marketing process. Don’t be afraid to include images (be careful not to overwhelm them with too many images) and video right in your email copy.

The trick to images and video is about sizing and linking. Remember, mobile is 52% of how people are reading emails these days, so your images and videos need to be compressed and ready. If you have an image that looks like it may lead somewhere, hyperlink it appropriately. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to get more clicks (people click more than you think).

Create prominent calls-to-action (CTAs)

Your CTA is the ultimate goal of every email, so it really does need to be done right. Any call to action should be the main focal point of any email with purpose. You have a few choices when it comes to CTAs – you can have it be inline text with a link, a large button right in their line of vision, or an image that takes you to a donation page – whichever you choose, make it count.

One big problem with email marketing is that people put too many CTAs in their emails and it overwhelms the recipient. Just like too many choices at the grocery store, indecision is a real thing when it comes to CTAs. If your mission is to guide them to a donation button – that should be your only call to action.

Use simple, supported fonts

Even with all the various translation tools and devices out there, you still don’t need to go too fancy when it comes to email. Staying on brand is great, but emails are copy that don’t require too much pizzazz.

If you change up your fonts or style too much, it may be translated poorly. Keep it simple and get in more inboxes with the basics.

Accessibility is key

You may think that your email is accessible if it’s basic enough but run a checklist just in case. Is your email available in all languages? Is it able to be read out loud without interruptions in context? Does it have alt text in the images and video? Are the colors and contract appropriate for readability?

Don’t lose a recipient or a donor simply because they couldn’t access your email. Follow some email accessibility tips to be sure you are getting your information across correctly.

People love a P.S.

Lastly, don’t neglect the footer of your email or your automation tool. Not only do you need to add an unsubscribe button (because it’s the law) but you also can grab the attention of your reader with a last-ditch effort in postscript.

People love a P.S.! Add more value, a downloadable piece of content or an invitation to your email at the end to encourage them to read till the end.

Email Templates to Change the Whole Nonprofit Game

As promised, we have some email templates that will help your fundraiser get the attention it deserves. There are different categories that each template falls under and they each have their own benefits. Pick and choose the template that works best for you.

Template 1: The urgent email

The urgent email template should not scare people, but rather help them to empathize with the importance of your fundraiser’s mission. If you are creating a sense of urgency, it sparks connection with the donor and helps them to understand that action needs to be taken.

The best way to create urgency in an email is to use power words. Power words trigger an emotional response and put an impactful spin on context, getting your recipient to act—whether that be to click, share or donate.

Another tactic is to use a deadline. When an action has a date attached to it, it often gives the recipient a sense of finality. Timing is everything here, when you send the email, when the email is actually opened, and when you’d like them to take action. Plan accordingly.

Template 2: The personal story email

Everyone loves an origin story! Sharing the personal tale of a fundraiser is a sure-fire way to get into the hearts of donors. Not only does it build connection, but it also increases the chance for action.

A few recommendations (from those that know a thing or two about donations) when it comes to sharing your personal story are:

  • Instead of making it about you, find a way to share how it’s impactful for them. 
  • Don’t overshare, just share the pertinent parts.
  • Share from a point of common ground, not for sympathy.
  • Be specific with the details so that they understand how much it matters.
  • Think of your story as a novel, with a beginning, middle and end.

With those quick tips, you can craft a story of empathy that drives donation results.

Template 3: The specific email

There are people out there that really dig the details. It’s important to understand that you are trying to reach different types of people for your fundraiser and that takes various tactics. The specific email template is for those that need the minute details, the specifics of what happened and why, in order to make a decision.

The specific email template is based on bullets, stats and numbers. It includes facts that will wow readers, statistics that will knock their socks off and have the impactful result of clicking that donation button because they are compelled by the numbers.

If your fundraiser can impress donors with it’s staggering facts – include them in an email with how they can make a difference and see what you get.

Template 4: The referral-based email

Not every email is going to hit its mark, I think we can all agree to that. Sometimes, emails are meant to be passed on. The tactic of the referral-based email is to ask them to share this information with as many people as possible as an act of service.

When you craft the referral-based email, you still need to share the impact of the story, the details and some facts (along with a pertinent CTA) but your message may be more of understanding. It may center around the action being the forward of the email, that you need more people to help – and that’s how they can help.

A great question to ask your recipient is “if you were in this situation, how many people would you try to get to help?”

Template 5: The genuine thank you

Gratitude goes a long way. When it comes to genuine thankfulness, you can’t go wrong.

The gratitude template is also a tactic that can be used throughout each one of these examples. There should be a small amount of gratefulness throughout your donor campaign if you expect results. But if you are going for the impactful thank you email, you really need to let them have it.

A great way to show thanks is to share with them the difference they can make. Crunch some numbers and show them how much their donation makes a difference. Share with them the amount of smiles it will bring to your fundraiser participants. Show them the gratitude ripple effect that will flow out of their generosity.

And at the end, thank them from the bottom of your heart. They will remember you for how they felt.

Inspire Giving With Emails That Count

When it comes to your fundraiser, you should shoot for the moon. Even if you land on the stars.

Email marketing doesn’t have to be scary, when you have a plan and the right tools, you can accomplish anything. Today, we compiled five email templates that should get you through the inbox gates along with some tips and examples that drive success.

If you are interested in more awesome fundraiser content like this, visit the GiveWP blog and read up on more success stories. You’re not alone in the non-profit world, you’ve got a supportive team behind and the tools to make it happen.

Reach out to us if you want to share an email that has worked well for you. We’d love to hear from you!

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