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PayPal Donations

PayPal Donations is the easiest way to accept credit cards, debit cards, and donations via a PayPal account. It comes included in the free GiveWP plugin, and is the recommended PayPal method for integrating with GiveWP.

Benefits of using PayPal Donations over PayPal Standard:

  1. If you’re new to GiveWP or already using PayPal Standard, it would be good to consider using PayPal Donations as it uses PayPal’s new API for the future. PayPal is deprecating the PayPal Standard gateway.
  2. There are no additional fees for PayPal Donations, even for credit card donations. You don’t need to switch to a specific account type, all PayPal account types are compatible with PayPal Donations.
  3. Unlike the PayPal Standard gateway, the PayPal Donations gateway does not take users off your site. It will take PayPal and credit card payments directly on the form, making it a more user-friendly option that helps lead to more conversions in donations. The current PayPal Standard gateway, on the other hand, continues to redirect users away from your GiveWP form.

Connecting your PayPal account

GiveWP allows you to connect PayPal Donations to PayPal for LIVE transaction processing and to the PayPal Sandbox for testing purposes. Both are found by navigating to Donations > Settings > Payment Gateways > PayPal On the “PayPal Donations” tab.

Note: To test your website with the PayPal Sandbox, see the full instructions below for Connecting and Testing with a Sandbox Account.

Connect to PayPal for LIVE Transactions

Connect to PayPal directly from within the GiveWP settings.
Connect to PayPal directly from within the GiveWP settings.

First select your country from the Account Country dropdown.

Next, to connect to Paypal Donations for live donations click the “Connect with PayPal” button. That opens a modal window to connect to PayPal. Enter your PayPal credentials, and that interface will walk you through either connecting your existing PayPal business account, or creating a new one.

Standard Card Processing vs. Advanced Card Processing

When connecting to PayPal Donations, users can choose between Standard card processing and Advanced credit card processing at Donations > Settings > Payment Gateways > PayPal. 

Choose between Standard Card Processing and Advanced Card Processing for PayPal

Standard Card Processing

Standard Card Processing is available for every PayPal account holder, and will be the default if you choose not to apply for Advanced Card Processing, or if your application is not approved. With Standard Card Processing, your donation forms will display one or more “Smart Buttons,” depending on which PayPal-branded checkout methods are available for your PayPal account and the site visitor. A donor who clicks one of these “Smart Buttons” will be directed to a PayPal website or app (including Venmo, where available) to complete the payment process.

Advanced Card Processing

Advanced Card Processing, if approved by PayPal, allows you the option of having your donors enter their credit card information directly into credit card fields (known as “hosted fields”) on your donation forms. It also provides additional protections against fraud & chargebacks.

PayPal requires you to apply for Advanced Card Processing, and it is not available in all countries. PayPal’s decision to approve applications for Advanced Card Processing involves a wide variety of factors, and you may be required to provide additional information or communicate directly with PayPal regarding your application before approval.

Payment Field Type

PayPal provides two options for how the payment fields are displayed on your donation forms: “Auto” and “Smart Buttons Only”.

When “Auto” is selected, if your account supports Advanced Card Processing, credit card fields (also known as “hosted fields” because they are hosted on your site) are displayed in addition to the smart buttons. If your account doesn’t qualify, only the smart buttons will display. “Auto” gives you the option to set it and forget it, and will show all available options. PayPal support will be able to tell you if your account qualifies for the credit card fields

When “Smart Buttons Only” is selected, only the smart buttons are displayed on your donation forms, even if your account qualifies for hosted fields. 

PayPal Donations and Venmo

Venmo payments are offered through the PayPal payment gateway, and are enabled by default. From the same settings page where you configure your PayPal Donations account, scroll down and select the button to enable Venmo once you’ve connected GiveWP to PayPal.

Enabling Venmo payments

With Venmo donations, your donors can give with their connected payment method or their Venmo account balance. This makes the mobile giving process even easier than before.

Connecting and Testing with a Sandbox Account

Important: Do not connect with the PayPal Sandbox using the same email address associated with your PayPal Account.

The first step is to create an account on the PayPal Developer portal. Without creating a developer account and a sandbox profile you won’t be able to test PayPal Donations while in Test Mode. Connecting to the sandbox with a live account (and vice versa) will cause an error and PayPal Donations won’t work.

Visit the PayPal Developer Portal and log in using your live account (in the top right corner). As soon as you log in, navigate to the Sandbox test accounts page, and create a test account to use with the PayPal Sandbox.

  1. Click to create an account

  2. Since you are going to test a business account, select Business (Merchant Account) and then select your country and click “Create Account”.

    Scroll down to the section with all of your created accounts. These are the accounts that you will be able to use to test your site. If you followed the steps above, you should have at least one business account ready to be used.

  3. Under the “Manage accounts” section, click on the three dots and click on “View/edit account”:

    In the pop-up window, the most important data that you’ll need is the Email ID and the Password (you can keep the System Generated Password or opt to change it).
  4. With these credentials, go back to your site and enable Test Mode under Donations > Settings > Payment Gateways. 
  5. Next, connect PayPal Donations using the credentials you just created for the sandbox account. To do this, navigate to Donations > Settings > Payment Gateways > PayPal. 

    Be sure you have selected your country from the Account Country dropdown, then click “Connect with PayPal Sandbox” and follow the instructions. When prompted, be sure to log in with the Email ID and the password you received from the Sandbox test account you created and not the email address associated with your LIVE PayPal account.

    PayPal provides some test card numbers that you can use to test your donation forms here: You can also create additional sandbox accounts for testing purposes.
  6. Create a buyer account.  Follow steps 1 and 2 from above to create another account that you can use to make test donations.
  7. Under the “Manage accounts” section, click on the three dots and click on “View/edit account”.
  8. You can use the email and system-generated password to make a donation using the test PayPal balance or you can use the bank account or credit card information found in the “Sandbox account info” section:

Donor Experience using PayPal Donations

The experience donors have with your forms and the PayPal Donations interface depends on the type of account that is connected.

For accounts that have enabled the ability to have hosted fields, donors see the fields directly on the form:

screenshot of a GiveWP form with both a yellow PayPal button and fields to enter a credit card
Some accounts have the ability to populate the forms directly on the page

For other accounts, donors will instead see two buttons, one for PayPal accounts and the other for entering Credit card information:

screenshot of the same form as above, but with two buttons, the yellow Paypal button and a black button that says "Debit or Credit Card"
For certain PayPal accounts, the black button allows the card information to be pre-populated on PayPal’s side.

For accounts with Venmo enabled, donors will see separate buttons, one for PayPal accounts and one for paying with Venmo.

Refunds with PayPal Donations

You can refund a PayPal Donations gift directly from your PayPal dashboard. Follow the steps below to process a refund:

Process the Refund From your PayPal Account

Log in to your PayPal account and go to the “Activity > All Transactions” menu.

Select the donation you want to refund by clicking on the name of the donor

 Click on the “Issue a refund” button.

Enter the amount you wish to refund in the “Total Refund Amount” field, and click the “Issue Refund” button.

Note: You can issue a full or partial refund within 180 days of the original payment date. Once you’ve sent a refund, you can’t cancel it.

Updating the Status of the Donation in GiveWP

Once refunded, you’ll need to update the status of the donation from within your GiveWP dashboard.

To do this, you’ll start by logging in to the WordPress dashboard for your website and navigating to the “Donations > Donations” page

Locate the donation you would like to refund and click on the “Edit” link.

In the “Update Donation” section, select “Refunded” from the “Status:” dropdown menu. Click on the “Save Donation” button as shown in the image below.

Contacting PayPal

In some cases, connecting PayPal Donations takes a little extra help. If you have questions or concerns about PayPal account-specific issues, visit In the top right corner click the “Log In” button:

On the next page click the “Log In with PayPal” button to access your PayPal account and you’ll be redirected back to the home page. Use the “Contact Us” button:

Go through the options and select the best options for your case. Then, use the “Submit” button to open your ticket.

Additionally, you can call 888-350-2387 to connect with PayPal and they will help you with your account.


Last updated 1 day ago

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