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Venmo is the easiest way to accept Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Donations while increasing your success with mobile giving. Venmo payments are offered through the PayPal Donations payment gateway, as PayPal is the parent company of Venmo. 

When a donor gives through Venmo, they have the ability to use their Venmo account balance, or any connected payment method. All you need to do is enable Venmo once you’ve connected GiveWP to PayPal Donations. This makes the mobile giving process even easier than before.

Benefits of using Venmo

  • 50% of people view your website on a mobile device. Venmo makes mobile giving easy for donors so you don’t miss out on donations.
  • Venmo offers the option of collecting donations through donation forms, or through the Venmo app.
  • In some cases, Venmo offers a more favorable fee structure to non-profits than PayPal. While the fee structure varies based on use, lower fees help non-profits direct more funds to their causes.

Connecting your Venmo account

To enable Venmo, you will first need to connect your PayPal Donations account. Once connected, you can find the settings for Venmo in the PayPal Donations Gateway. To connect to Paypal Donations, navigate to Donations > Settings > Payment Gateways. On the “PayPal Donations” tab, scroll down, and select “enabled” on the “Accept Venmo” menu option.

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That’s it! You’re connected and ready to accept donations with Venmo from your donor’s Venmo accounts, as well as the donor’s linked payment methods.

Donor Experience using Venmo

The experience donors have with your forms and the Venmo interface is as simple as the click of a button. After completing the donation form, your donor will see the bright blue Venmo button to make donating a streamlined process.

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Last updated 1 year ago

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