Get the Most Out of Your Donor Dashboard

Get the most out of your Donor Dashboard with these tips and tricks to make it more prevalent and accessible to your supporters.

The Donor Dashboard is where donors access their giving history, donor profile, and receipts and manage their subscriptions. This dashboard serves as a virtual bridge between donors and the organizations they support, fostering a stronger sense of connection and trust.

Benefits of GiveWP’s Donor Dashboard

The Donor Dashboard is an intuitive and user-friendly interface that provides donors with unprecedented access to their personal and donation information. Some of the benefits provided by the Donor Dashboard include:

Real-time Giving Insights: GiveWP’s Donor Dashboard enables contributors to view their donation history in real time. Donors can access a comprehensive record of their past contributions, including the amount donated, dates of donations, and the campaigns they supported. This level of transparency instills confidence in donors and reinforces the accountability of the organization.

PDF and Annual Receipts: Donors can easily retrieve their Annual Receipts and generate downloadable PDF receipts directly from their personalized dashboard. This feature ensures that donors have all the necessary documentation readily available for tax purposes or personal records, enhancing transparency and simplifying their giving journey.

Personalized Profiles: Each donor gets their own personalized profile within the dashboard. They can easily update their contact information, manage recurring donations, and review their giving statistics. This personalized experience makes donors feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased donor retention rates.

Recurring Donation Management: The Donor Dashboard makes it effortless for supporters to set up and manage recurring donations. Donors can modify the donation frequency, change the amount, or cancel the recurring donation altogether, all within a few clicks. This flexibility enhances donor satisfaction and ensures that giving remains convenient and tailored to their preferences.

A screen shot of the profile view in the Donor Dashboard.

By providing donors with access to this information, you can foster a stronger bond between your organization and your supporters. However, it’s critical to ensure that your supporters know how to access and use the Donor Dashboard.

Encouraging Your Donors to use the Donor Dashboard

The Donor Dashboard is only valuable to your donors if they know it exists and it’s easily accessible. Our Customer Success team sometimes fields questions from organizations that could be mitigated by encouraging donors to access their Donor Dashboard.

We’ve got some best practices to make your Donor Dashboard more prevalent and accessible:

  • Add the Donor Dashboard to your navigation menu in a clear, easy-to-find way.
  • Add a link to the Donor Dashboard in all donation receipts with a blurb about what the donor can use it for/why it’s important.
  • Add a link to the Donor Dashboard in annual/end-of-year notifications to donors, letting them know how they can access their annual receipts/pdf receipts for taxes.
  • Make sure donors know they can keep their personal information updated, including address and email changes.
  • Discuss anonymous donations and how donors will be featured on your website if not made anonymous.

Activating the dashboard allows donors to efficiently manage their financial records and simplify the process of claiming tax deductions, enhancing their overall giving experience. Additionally, access to their giving history and the ability to manage their subscriptions (recurring donations) provides an element of transparency that can help instill a sense of trust and confidence in your organization.

The Donor Dashboard is included in our Basic, Plus, Pro, and Agency plans. Learn more about the Donor Dashboard, including how to set it up and what donors see, in our documentation.

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