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Documentation / Add-ons / Salesforce / Sending Custom Data to Salesforce

Sending Custom Data to Salesforce

The GiveWP Salesforce add-on sends basic data about the donation to Salesforce, each time a new donation happens on your GiveWP-powered donation site. This developer-level document walks through how you can send custom data to salesforce and associate it correctly with the Donation Opportunity on Salesforce’s side.

Note: This documentation is intended for developers with familiarity with WordPress development (specifically actions, filters, and fetching custom post meta) as well as the Opportunity object structure within Salesforce. GiveWP does not validate whether the object property is valid, so it may be rejected from the Salesforce side if invalid. Salesforce data mapping can be complex and they may be strict about how values are assigned through their API. GiveWP customer support cannot help beyond basic troubleshooting of the filter documented here.

Quick reference

Filter name:


Filter API

apply_filters('give_salesforce_donation_args', [], \GiveSalesforce\Salesforce\DataTransferObjects\SalesforceOpportunityData $salesforceOpportunityData);

Filter Example:

Modifying the Opportunity Name

 * @param  array  $args  - associate array of data to be sent to Salesforce. example: ["Field_Name" => "Value"]
 * @param  SalesforceOpportunityData  $data  - the original data object where you can access things like donationId example: $data->donationId
 * @return array

function addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs(
    \GiveSalesforce\Salesforce\DataTransferObjects\SalesforceOpportunityData $data 
 // type-hinting SalesforceOpportunityData will autocomplete values in most code editors when accessing properties from the $data object
) {
    // get the form title from meta using the donationId from our $data DTO
    $formTitle = give_get_meta($data->donationId, '_give_payment_form_title', true);
    // check for sequential ordering
    $donationID = $data->sequentialDonationId ?: $data->donationId;
    // add the form title to the donation name
    $args['Name'] = "Donation #$donationID (GiveWP: $formTitle)";

    // return the modified array
    return $args;

add_filter('give_salesforce_donation_args', 'addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs', 10, 2);


This filter allows additional data to be sent to Salesforce during Donation Opportunity creation on Salesforce’s side (after a donation is completed on the GiveWP side). This provides an easy way to tap into the data syncing process to ensure terminology matches your Salesforce terminology for custom data. A typical use case would be to map GiveWP custom fields to Salesforce custom fields.

Scenario 1: Adding Donation Form Title to a Custom Salesforce Field

This example demonstrates how to add a Field label from a non-custom value on the GiveWP side into a custom value on the Salesforce side.

To Start, navigate to the Fields & Relationships page within your Salesforce admin at

The Search bar near the top right is what you want to use.

Once you are there, search for the Field Label you want to use.

Current Generator(s)CurrentGenerators__c

Copy that field name for use in the associative array within your custom function. The whole code snippet looks like this:

Adding The Donation Form Title to a Custom Field value in Salesforce

function addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs(
    \GiveSalesforce\Salesforce\DataTransferObjects\SalesforceOpportunityData $data
) {
    // get the formTitle
    $formTitle = give_get_meta($data->donationId, '_give_payment_form_title', true);
    // assign Salesforce field as formTitle
    $args['CurrentGenerators__c'] = $formTitle;

    // return modified array
    return $args;

add_filter('give_salesforce_donation_args', 'addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs', 10, 2);

With that snippet added to your site, once a new donation comes through the Donation Title will be added to your custom field of “Current Generator(s)”

Screenshot of the salesforce opportunity with name properly mapped.
This screenshot shows the Opportunity field on Salesforce, properly populated with the Form Title

Scenario 2: Adding A Form Field Manager Field to a Custom Salesforce Field

The process for adding a custom field added with Form Field Manager to your GiveWP donation form is similar to scenario 1, with the main difference being the meta value to fetch is displayed in the Form Edit screen.

The Form Field Manager edit screen showing the meta key highlighted
The meta key (highlighted in this image) is used within the custom code to fetch the value of the data.
The front end of the same form showing the field with "I love Salesforce" as the data entered.
The corresponding field on the front end of the donation form

Make note of that meta key, and then (as before) isolate the Custom Field name on the Salesforce side of things:

Navigate to


Search for the Field label:

My GiveWP Custom Field For SalesforceMy_GiveWP_Custom_Field_For_Salesforce__c
The Opportunity fields and relationships page, showing the custom field isolated with the field name highlighted.
Searching to isolate the Field Name in the Salesforce admin

Using those two values (the meta key from GiveWP’s side, and the Field Name from Salesforce’s side) here’s the sample snippet you can use:

Sending Form Field Manager Data to a Custom Field at Salesforce

 * @param  array  $args  - associate array of data to be sent to Salesforce. example: ["Field_Name" => "Value"]
 * @param  SalesforceOpportunityData  $data  - the original data object where you can access things like donationId. example: $data->donationId
 * @return array
function addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs(
    \GiveSalesforce\Salesforce\DataTransferObjects\SalesforceOpportunityData $data
) {
    // get the custom field from meta using the donationId from our $data DTO
    $myGivewpCustomFieldForSalesforce = give_get_meta(
    // assign the Salesforce custom field name to the GiveWP value
    $args['My_GiveWP_Custom_Field_For_Salesforce__c'] = $myGivewpCustomFieldForSalesforce;

    // return the modified array
    return $args;

add_filter('give_salesforce_donation_args', 'addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs', 10, 2);

That snippet adds Custom Form Field Manager-gathered data to your custom field at Salesforce:

The opportunity field on salesforce, with the value properly populated.
Custom data matching the screenshots from above, but this time, at Salesforce!

Scenario 3: Adding donations to a Salesforce Campaign by GiveWP Donation Form

The final example digs a little deeper, allowing you to assign donations to specific Salesforce campaigns based on the GiveWP Donation Form used in the donation.

To set up the snippet, you need the Salesforce Campaign ID and the GiveWP Donation Form ID.

The default test campaign in the Salesforce account used for testing and documentation here is a conference in 2002, but don’t get distracted by that: the point is to find the campaign ID. TO do that, navigate to the “Campaigns” tab of the Salesforce account, and then click on the campaign you want to use.

The Campaigns tab of the NPSP interface on Salesforce's admin
The Campaign list on the Salesforce account.

The URL for the individual campaign has the ID as a part of the slug:

The individual campaign screen on Salesforce's side, with the URL/slug showing on the screenshot.
Note the highlighted portion of the URL in this screenshot

Similarly, on the edit screen of Donation Forms within GiveWP, you can see the ID of the donation form. Navigate to the form edit screen for the form you want to use. The Form ID is the post ID, seen here:

The Donation Form edit screen with the URL showing, and the post id highlighted.
The “8” highlighted in the image is the Donation Form ID

Using the Campaign ID and the Form ID, this snippet associates all donations to the given example form to the given example campaign:

Associating Donations with Campaigns, based on Form ID

 * @param  array  $args  - associate array of data to be sent to Salesforce. example: ["Field_Name" => "Value"]
 * @param  SalesforceOpportunityData  $data  - the original data object where you can access things like donationId example: $data->donationId
 * @return array
function addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs(
    \GiveSalesforce\Salesforce\DataTransferObjects\SalesforceOpportunityData $data
) {
    // Get the form ID
    $formId = give_get_meta($data->donationId, '_give_payment_form_id', true);

    // In our scenario we want to conditionally assign donations to a Campaign depending on what form they came from.
    if ($formId === 8) {
        // assign this donation to our campaign
        $args['CampaignId'] = '7015e000001EdZ3AAK';

    // return the modified array
    return $args;

add_filter('give_salesforce_donation_args', 'addGiveSalesforceDonationArgs', 10, 2);

With the snippet in place, all donations to the given form are associated with the given Campaign:

The Opportunity record on Salesforce's side, showing the campaign Source populated.
The campaign source field on Salesforce’s side.
Last updated 1 year ago

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