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Documentation / Add-ons / Simple Social Shout for GiveWP

Simple Social Shout for GiveWP

Simple Social Shout gives your donors an easy way to share their donation experience with the world of social media. Social proof can be a powerful way to encourage more donations, and this document walks you through how to configure this free GiveWP add-on.

Introducing Simple Social Shout

Simple Social Shout for GiveWP allows you to add a simple social sharing button to your donation receipts.

This add-on allows you to

  • Set a custom prompt for your donors to share their donation,
  • Enable or disable the ability to share from each form,
  • Choose the positioning on the page (above or below the donation receipt).

Sharing donations is an important form of social proof that will inspire others. Install and activate Simple Social Shout on your WordPress website today to help spread the word about your cause.


Getting Started with Simple Social Shout

“Simple Social Shout” is a free GiveWP add-on which must be downloaded, installed, and activated. Read here for instructions on downloading, installing, and activating GiveWP add-ons. Note that Free add-ons like Simple Social Shout do not need a license, so you can skip that part.

Once enabled, here are the steps to get Simple Social Shout configured on the site:

1. Navigate to Donations > Settings > Social Sharing
2. Fill in a Social Share Title to create a title above the social share buttons
3. Enter a message in Social Share Encouragement to encourage your donors to share on social media.
4. Select from the list of three supported social channels: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
5. Choose whether to output the social share section above or below the Donation Confirmation receipt table.
Simpe Social Shout GiveWP Settings

You can also choose to disable the output of the social share options on a per-form basis. On the individual form’s edit screen you’ll see a “Social” tab. You can then choose “Disable”. See screenshots below for a visual example:

Simple Social Shout GiveWP Form SettingsThat’s all you need to get up and running with this simple GiveWP add-on and start letting your donors share their donations with the world on social media.

Since releasing Simple Social Shout for GiveWP, GiveWP introduced the Multi-Step donation form template, which includes a final thank you page with built-in social sharing options.
Last updated 2 years ago

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