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The Recurring Donations add-on for GiveWP works alongside the Mollie payment gateway add-on with no additional configuration. This document walks you through what to expect with Mollie and recurring donations.

In order to accept recurring donations with the Mollie gateway add-on, all you have to do is activate and configure both the Mollie add-on and the Recurring Donations add-on. Instructions for configuring those add-ons are linked in the previous sentence.

Mollie works with all of the recurring periods supported by GiveWP’s recurring add-on: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually.

When donors create a recurring subscription on your GiveWP site, it will show up in the Customers tab of the Mollie interface.

Donors can cancel subscriptions from any page that has the [give_subscriptions] shortcode on it. Due to the way Mollie handles payment methods, donors are not able to change the amount of their subscription or the payment method.

If donors need to change the amount, or the payment info, they should first cancel the existing subscription and then initiate a new one.

Last updated 1 year ago

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