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Test Donation Gateway

GiveWP comes with a Test Donation Gateway out of the box. This enables you to see the whole donation process from start to finish without using any actual currency or sandbox accounts.

What is a “Test Donation” Gateway

All payments have to be processed through a payment gateway in one way or another. Payment Gateways do take a bit of time to setup and sometimes you just want to review your donation process without having to deal with all the payment gateway configuration.

To that end, the “Test Donation” Gateway allows you to activate and test immediately.

Enable the “Test Donation” Gateway

A view of the enabled payment gateways in Give
A view of the enabled payment gateways in GiveWP

To enable the “Test Donation” Gateway, go to “Donations > Settings” then the “Payment Gateways” tab. You’ll see it listed there as one of the options.

Once it’s enabled, all your forms will show it as an option to choose for processing your donation.

Do a Test Donation

Now that it’s a payment option on your form, you can go to one of your forms, choose it as the Payment Option, and submit your Test Donation simply by filling out the amount, first and last name, and email address. That is the minimum information necessary to process any donation.

Special Considerations with Test Donations

There’s a couple things to keep in mind when doing Test Donations:

  1. Test Donations do not influence the goal of any form. If you’ve set a goal of $10,000 and make a $5,000 Test Donation, your goal will not be impacted at all.
  2. Test Donations DO appear in your Reports. If you want to have a report that excludes test donations, you’ll either want to delete those transactions, or after you do your export, sort the report according to the Payment Gateway column and delete the Test Donation rows from there.
  3. Deleting Test Donations is encouraged before going live.

Testing Your Premium Payment Gateways

You can also test your premium payment gateways with GiveWP. This is a different process and depends on each gateway a bit. Refer to our Test Mode article on that.


Last updated 3 years ago

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