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New Donation

Upon Donation, GiveWP sends a New Donation notification to specified email addresses. This is generally used to alert site admins or other accounting or finance personnel of a new donation to the site. This document will help to explain all the settings found at Donations > Settings > Emails (tab) > New Donation. All of these settings can be overridden on a per-form basis.

New Donation Notification Settings


Settings Type: Radio
Options: Enabled | Disabled
Default: Enabled

This setting enables or disables the email altogether. If you select “disabled” no emails will be sent by GiveWP to the donor on a successfully completed donation. When enabled, the notification sends upon successful completion of a donation. Note that a donation marked as pending will not send the email from GiveWP until you manually mark it as complete. Read more about one potential cause of donations not being marked as complete in the first question in our PayPal Standard FAQ.

If donations are being marked as complete, and you are still having email deliverability issues, see our documentation on troubleshooting emails in WordPress.

Email Subject

Settings Type: Text field
Options: Any email subject.
Default: New Donation – #{payment_id}

This setting allows you to customize the email subject line. The subject line supports email tags (see below for an explanation). To avoid spam filters, keep them short and not sensational “You’re a winner!” will likely get flagged as spam.

Email Message

Settings Type: Editor
Options: Any HTML or plaintext message.

Hi there,

This email is to inform you that a new donation has been made on your website:

Donor: {name}
Donation: {donation}
Amount: {amount}
Payment Method: {payment_method}

Thank you,



Directly below the Email Message field, you’ll see a list of “Email Tags” that can be used to customize this message along with a brief description of each one. Refer to this article for a full list of available Email Tag.

Email Content Type

Settings Type: Drop-down/select
Options: HTML | Plain
Default: HTML

This setting determines whether the output of the email is plaintext or html. Some folks prefer plaintext emails, and this setting can also be used to check deliverability: if HTML is not working, try plaintext.

Email Recipients

Settings Type: Repeater field
Options: any number of email addresses.
Default: one field, populated with the site admin email address.

The power of the New Donation notification is that you can specify who you want to receive it. This setting provides you with the options to do that, using a repeater field. To add a new recipient, click the “Add Recipient” button.

Adding and removing email recipients in a few clicks!

Preview Email

Settings Type:  Two buttons
Options: Preview Email | Send Test Email

Note: Before using either option, be sure to save the settings using the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

The Preview Email option opens an email in a new browser tab or window, along with a drop-down menu to be able to toggle between recent donations to preview content from those donations as it relates to the sample email.

The Send Test Email option sends a test message to the recipients listed in the “Email Recipients” section above.

Last updated 1 year ago

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