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Documentation / Core Features / Using GiveWP Shortcodes / GiveWP Register Shortcode

GiveWP Register Shortcode

The “GiveWP Register” shortcode allows you to output the default WordPress user registration form anywhere on your website.

Using the Shortcode Builder with [give_register]

The GiveWP shortcode builder appears on sites using the classic (tinyMCE) editor in WordPress, allowing you to build a shortcode automatically. Select the Register option from the dropdown in the shortcode builder, which provides you with one option:

  • Redirect URL: This is the URL that visitors are redirected to after registering on the form.
    • Shortcode attribute: [redirect]
    • Attribute value: text string, needs to be a relative URL or a full URL. There is no default value. If left blank, the registration form redirects to the page it’s inserted on.

Example Give_Register Implementation


No matter how you configure the redirect URL, the display of the shortcode is the same on the front end of the site.

The style of the output is theme-dependent, but using the shortcodes of [give_register] or [give_register redirect=""] will produce the following:

Four fields, top row Username and Email, bottom row Password and Confirm PW
Last updated 1 year ago

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