Version 1.2 Released

Give Version 1.2

Give version 1.2 was released today. There are several features that we’re excited to talk about, as well as other activity around Give as a product which we want to highlight.

A More Robust API

We announced our Give API in the previous version. It allows you to interact with Give data outside of your WordPress install (like with our Zapier Addon). When it released it only supported the main form fields: Name, email, address, etc. Because we’re in the middle of working on our new “Form Field Manager” we knew that the API would need to be more flexible and support any fields that might be added to your Give Forms. That’s what this does, and it opens up all kinds of possibilities.

Here’s some things you can do with the Give API and the Zapier Addon:

  • Have a Google Spreadsheet populated with your donor names and emails and donation activity automatically
  • Add a new Calendar reminder in Google Calendar to “Follow up with {Donor Name} {Donor Email}” a few days after a brand new donor donates. It’s like a personal reminder system!
  • Automate an additional email (or two or TEN) to your donors after they donate. You can trigger emails with GMail or Mandrill or Mailchimp
  • Let’s say you added a custom field for your donors to upload an image. With Zapier, you could have that upload saved to your Dropbox automatically.

Check out our first tutorial on using Give with Zapier here.

UX Updates

We had a few users say that the credit card fields (for Premium Payment Gateways) and the donation amount fields were a little un-intuitive to work with. Our goal is definitely to both enable your donors to donate easily, but also to provide intuitive user experiences (UX) so that when a credit card number fails, or the dollar amount is inserted incorrectly, the user is notified rather than having an incorrect transaction happen.

This update includes enhancements to both of those elements of the Give forms. Here’s some previews:

New Credit Card Mask

Credit Card Validation

Old Donation Input Mask

Old Input Mask

New and Improved Input Mask

New Input Mask

New Collaborations

The thing we are most excited about with this release is that the two UX improvements above came from Give users directly. They saw a need, and they reached out to us on Github and decided to submit their requests to us in the form of fully functional code (called PR’s or “Pull Requests”). To us, this is like winning an Oscar, or a local election. The users have voted with their coding skills and found us worthy to contribute to!

So here’s a special shout-out to these two Give contributors:


We don’t know much about you @pryley, but we’re super thankful for your contribution to the Credit Card validation field.

From a quick look at your Github activity it looks like you’re a stellar contributor to a lot of great projects. And looks like a super secret covert operation for top dollar clients. Fun!


Next we were really excited to get this contribution from “HelgatheViking”, also known as Kathy Darling, and the developer behind the very popular “Name Your Price” WooCommerce extension.

She saw our ticket about our dollar amount field and said: “Hey, my plugin resolves this issue in a way you might like. Here! Take this!” and BOOM! We had a Pull Request from her that made our input field so much nicer while still having proper validation.

What’s next and the 1.2 Changelog

The next things you’ll hear from us will be announcements about “Form Field Manager”, and “Recurring Donations”. I’m sure you’re all waiting with baited breath… as are we!

Here’s the full changelog for your reference:

= 1.2 =
* New: API updated to include fname and lname of forms donor
* New: API updated to support all field donation data (including custom fields)
* New: Credit Card input masking now supported - thanks @pryley
* Improvement: Ditched maskMoney custom donation amount validator for a better script provided by @helgatheviking - thanks!
* Improvement: AJAX spinner is now font icon rather than .gif image @see:
* Fix: Form title and Level Label now displayed correctly on PayPal Standard
* Fix: Export donors fatal error
* Fix: Addons PHP warning
* Fix: Goal amount not respecting thousands separator
* Fix: Added a WordPress filter to allow developers to modify the 'Select Payment Method' legend text. - thanks @cwackerman
* Fix: Modified existing WordPress filter controlling submit button text so that it passes $form_id to hooks. This allows developers to access form options when generating submit button text. For example, to output default donation amount within submit button text, e.g. "Donate $5.00 Now". - thanks @cwackerman
* Fix: GIVE_SLUG define doesn't affect slug
* Fix: Widget tooltips now display appropriately
* Fix: https/ssl padlock font now displays correctly

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