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Sequential Ordering

Some countries require that all donation IDs are strictly sequential in order. WordPress traditionally shares IDs between all post types. GiveWP allows for a sequential ordering feature that allows you to have all IDs follow one another strictly and not share the IDs with any other post type.

Sequential Ordering

Field Type: Radio buttons
 Enabled | Disabled
Default: Disabled

This setting enables the sequential ordering feature. All other fields appear only after this is enabled.

Next Donation Number

Field Type: Number field
Default: 1
Visibility: Appears when “Sequential Ordering” is set to “Enabled”

This setting lets you set exactly what the very next donation ID will be. This is helpful for sites that already have existing donations.

Number Prefix

Field Type: Text field
Default: {Empty}
Visibility: Appears when “Sequential Ordering” is set to “Enabled”

If you’d like to set a prefix to all your donations, this lets you do that. For example, donation IDs that were 001 can be set to #DON001 by adding “#DON” as your “Number Prefix.”

Number Suffix

Field Type: Text field
Default: {Empty}
Visibility: Appears when “Sequential Ordering” is set to “Enabled”

Similarly to the “Number Prefix”, this lets you set a donation ID suffix. For example, donation IDs that were previously 001 can be set to 001-DON by adding “-DON” as your “Number Suffix.”

Note: both the Prefix and the Suffix support date-related tags. Try these in the fields:

  • {D}: Day of the month without leading zeros (1-31)
  • {DD}: Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01-31)
  • {M}: Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1-12)
  • {MM}: Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (01-12)
  • {YYYY}: A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits (2017 or 2019)
  • {H}: 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros (0-23)
  • {HH}: 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros (00-23)
  • {N}: Seconds with leading zeros (00-59)

Number Padding

Field Type: Number field
Default: 0
Visibility: Appears when “Sequential Ordering” is set to “Enabled”

Number padding lets you set an exact number of digits that are pre-set for the donation IDs. For example, setting this to 4 will set the donation IDs to 0001, 0002, and so on.

Donation ID Preview

Field Type: Locked Text Field
Default: 1
Visibility: Appears when “Sequential Ordering” is set to “Enabled”

This field is not a configurable field, it is locked. It is dynamically updated to show you what your donation IDs will look like with the previous fields configured to your liking.

Last updated 3 years ago

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