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Documentation / Core Features / Tools / Exports Tab

Exports Tab

The Export features of GiveWP allow you to export all your donor and donation data into an easily accessible and manipulable CSV file (Comma Separated Values) for use in any spreadsheet software, or other data oriented tool you might need.

Export Donation History

This link will take you to another page where you can fine tune the CSV output you are going to export.

This exports a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file of all your donations over any given period of time that you designate. It lists every single donation that you received during the period that you designated. See the Export Donations article for full details.

Export PDF of Donations and Income

This report is a simple one-click PDF export of all your donations and income for the current calendar year. It’s an easy way to have a visually appealing report that can be easily emailed or printed out for meetings.

Here is a sample PDF Export file

Export Income and Donations Stats

This exports a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file of all your income and donations over any given period of time you designate. Simply choose the beginning and end date and click the “Generate CSV” button and it will download to your default Download location on your computer.

This export summarizes the total number of donations you received for each month, and the total income of those donations for each month.

Here is a sample Export Donation Stats CSV file

Export Donation History

This exports a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file of all your donations over any given period of time that you designate.

This export lists every single donation that you received during the period that you designated. It lists the donation with the following information:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Billing address (if you are collecting it)
  • Form ID
  • Form Name
  • Donation Amount
  • Payment Method
  • Transaction ID
  • Payment Key number
  • Date of the donation
  • Username (if associated with a registered account on your site, otherwise listed as “guest”)
  • Status of the donation

Here is a sample Export Donation History CSV file

Export Donors in CSV

This generates a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file of all your donors. You can choose to export the donors of a single form. If you want donors of all forms, simply leave the “Select a Donation Form” dropdown empty.

This export also allows you to choose what data gets exported. You can enable or disable any of the following data points:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • User ID
  • First Donation Date
  • Number of Donations
  • Total Donated

Here is a sample Export Donors CSV file

Export GiveWP Settings

This export allows you to download an export file (in JSON format), which can then be imported into another site to duplicate all your GiveWP settings.

See info on the GiveWP Import Settings tool here.

Export Upcoming Subscriptions Renewals

This export provides you with details of future renewal donations as a part of your Recurring Donation Subscriptions. You can download all the future renewals within a certain date range and for a certain form by setting those options.

See info on the Export Donation History tab to learn more about exporting details about subscriptions. 


Last updated 3 years ago

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